3 thoughts on “Team Payton Corbett for Mayor Election Standouts  Happening All Around Somerville ”

  1. He will get my ABC vote but I have concerns about him being teamsters union official. And for the record I was in 25 and saw much that was not to my licking. I would need a whole lot of information before I would want to vote for him as a mayor. Mostly I have only read about his work with the teamsters and general statements about what he would do as mayor. Nothing really specific. If it is out there I have not seen it. Maybe something being more specific. I would like to feel better about voting for him.

  2. It’s as easy as ABC-ANYBODY BUT CURTATONE! Best wishes to Payton Corbett. Let’s send Joe packing-NaNaNaNa, NaNaNaNa, hey hey hey, GOOD BYE!

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