JT Scott Announces Candidacy Ward 2 Alderman 

Change Is Coming to Ward 2.

Right now, the biggest development in Somerville is targeted for Union Square. This has the opportunity to bring improved public transportation, more local jobs, increased tax revenue, and more green and open public spaces – or it could worsen our affordability problem, driving rents even higher and pricing hardworking families and longtime local businesses out of Somerville.
With responsible development, we can reduce the residential real estate tax burden on homeowners, reduce rents for tenants, and make this a livable city for everyone.
We have to be vigilant and engaged to ensure that development benefits the community instead of only enriching the developers. It’s time for us to get involved, and we need our voices heard loud and clear in City Hall as well as in our neighborhood meetings.
Somerville Can Lead the Way

Here in Somerville, we are blessed to have progressive representatives in the State House and a mayor who strongly supports Shape Up Somerville, Black Lives Matter, and our Sanctuary City status. But there is more that we can do to make Somerville a shining example.

Massachusetts led the way nationally on health care and LGBTQ rights. Somerville can lead Massachusetts forward on equity issues including economic and racial justice, fighting displacement and gentrification, increasing wages and local employment, beating back our diabetes and obesity epidemic, combatting the opioid epidemic, and ensuring that corporate money stops dominating our political system.

We can work together to fight the root causes of these issues and increase the physical and fiscal health of Somervillens while reducing the outsized tax burdens our residents face. These are big problems, but with an engaged community that makes its voice heard and elected officials with the guts to stand up to large corporate interests, we have the means to solve them.

I’m not a career politician. What I do have are new ideas, a new perspective, and years of experience working with large and diverse groups of people to find innovative, collaborative, and workable solutions to seemingly impossible challenges. As a community leader and activist, I have a history of fighting alongside you for what is best for the people of Somerville. A seat on the Board of Aldermen will only increase my ability to be a voice for our shared interests.

I humbly ask that the residents of Ward 2 choose me to be the fearless and loud amplifier for their concerns in City Hall as Somerville moves through this period of growth and change.

Help Us Spread the Word

We are not accepting contributions from real estate developers.
We believe the Aldermen should represent residents. That means we’re building this campaign without the powerful backing of real estate developers – and we need you to help us!
We welcome your contributions of time or money. It will take all of us working together, so no amount is too small to make a difference.

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