Real Life Somerville Police Stories:Lisa PRIMEAU (Conspiracy, Distribute Class A & Somerville Warrant) & Ryan MUNSON (Poss. Class A & Conspiracy)

The following is a brief summary pertaining to incident # 16037118:


Members of the Somerville Police Department Narcotics unit were in the area of Greenville Street in Somerville where we were conducting surveillance due to numerous complaints of drug transactions.

We then observed a known drug user, Mr. Ryan Munson walking back and forth in the area of Greenville St. A short time later a female later identified as Ms. Lisa M. Primeau was observed leaving XX Boston Street which has been the focal point of an ongoing narcotics investigation. Primeau walked down Greenville Street toward Munson, I observed her briefly stop and meet Mr. Munson, when she reached out and handed him something, then both Primeau and Munson parted ways without saying a word.


Based on my observations, training and experience I believe this “quick hand to hand” meet to be consistent with how street level narcotics are sometimes conducted.


Mr. Munson entered a green Acura and Ms. Primeau was observed by Detectives Brioso and Legros enter XX Boston Street, apartment X.

Detectives Costa, Cicerone and I stopped Munson before he drove away. I asked Munson where he was coming from and he said his cousin’s house. At this point I read Mr. Munson his Miranda warnings from a card and had him step out of the vehicle.


While Detective Cicerone was speaking with Munson, Detective Costa and I searched his vehicle when Detective Costa found a paper fold on the driver’s side floor board containing a brown powder substance that I believe to be Heroin. This substance was later weighed and tested at the station with a preliminary weight of 0.4 grams, the preliminary field test came back in-conclusive at this time. I informed Munson he was under arrest for the following charges;


1. Conspiracy to Violate the Narcotics Laws, c94cs40,

2. Possession Class A, c94cs34a



Detectives Brioso, Legros, Cicerone, Costa and I returned to XX Boston Street and began knocking on the door to the apartment, in an attempt to take Primeau into custody. After several minutes a man later identified as XXXXX opened the front door. As we were entering, Officer Christopher Fusco who was in marked unit 200 stated that a male just exited a basement door and fled the scene down Greenville Street. Officer Fusco and Pasqualino began to follow after this male later identified as YYYYY.


Officers Brioso and Legros then entered the opened basement door and located Primeau hiding under a table and behind some boxes. Primeau was then placed under arrest for ;


1. Conspiracy to Violate The Narcotics Laws, c94cS40,

2. Drug Distribution Class A, c94cS32


Both were transported to the station to be booked by Lieutenant DiGregorio in the usual manner.


I would like to make notation that YYYYY was not the subject of this investigation and it was later determined that he fled XX Boston Street where he subsequently injured his leg on the railroad tracks. Cataldo transported him to Massachusetts General Hospital for further treatment.



Respectfully Submitted,


Detective Walter J. Collette, Jr.


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