Somerville Representatives March In Boston 2016 Pride Parade 

Photo:Rep Tim Toomey, Martin Polignone and Attorney General Maura Healy

By Martin Polignone

A few raindrops only added to the excitement of this Saturday’s Pride Parade in Boston.  State Representatives Tim Toomey and Denise Provost marched along with Attorney General Maura Healy supporters and friends. The theme that “Everyone is Welcome” could not better sum up the strong support of the pending transgender rights bill that is getting closer to becoming law in Massachusetts, thanks to the hard and dedicated work of Reps Toomey and Provost with the strong support of Attorney General Maura Healy. ” As recent as a generation ago no one would believe the rights of the LGBTQ community would not only be recognized, but be celebrated in an event like today’s parade with so many people cheering along the route.” Remarked one marched. We are lucky to live in such a progressive state as Massachusetts, and even luckier to have such a great group elected officials representing Somerville!

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