Alderman Dennis Sullivan To Hold Neighborhood Mobile Office Hours

Alderman Dennis Sullivan to hold bi-annual neighborhood mobile office hours next three Saturdays this month: June 11, June 18 and June 25

Sullivan will make stops across city to hear from residents 

Somerville – June 7 – Alderman at Large Dennis Sullivan will bring his mobile neighborhood office hours across the city starting this Saturday for the next three Saturdays. He’s held nearly 150 office stops since being elected to the board to meet and learn from residents and share ideas.
Sullivan will make the following stops as part of his spring office hours:

• Saturday, June 11: outside the East Branch library on lower Broadway at 9am, followed by the Union Square Dunkin’ Donuts at 10am, 

• Saturday, June 18: outside Dunkin’ Donuts at the corner of Highland Ave. and Central Street at 9am, followed by the Winter Hill Post Office at 10am and Ball Square at 11am

• Saturday, June 25: Statue Park in Davis Square at 10am, followed by Teele Square at 11am 
“Not everyone can attend neighborhood meetings or a committee meeting at City Hall,” said Sullivan. “By bringing the office to them, it’s a chance to meet with residents in their neighborhood while they are out and about running errands or enjoying all the city has to offer.” 


Sullivan takes the mobile office — a banner and table — twice per year to each one of the city’s seven wards, and once during the colder months at either a local grocery store or library. Sullivan argues that while nothing can replace “face to face discussion,” he posts updates on social media as well.


Office hours are weather permitting. If they are rescheduled they will be announced via @aldsullivan on twitter and via facebook.

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