Naveo Credit Union presents service awards to five employees in recognition of their dedication to the Credit Union


(Somerville, MA) Naveo Credit Union presented five employees with service awards in recognition for their dedication to the Credit Union. Meralda Milheirao, Coralia Garcia, Nicolle Medeiros, Kevin Pereira and Samantha Simoes were honored at Naveo’s annual holiday gathering for their many years of service.
Naveo has made it a tradition to recognize employees for their loyalty and dedication each year at their holiday party. Milheirao and Garcia were presented with 30-year service awards, the longest tenure to date. Medeiros received a 10-year service award while Pereira and Simoes was presented with 5-year service awards. The employees combined have 80-years of banking experience. In addition, the employees recognized this year started as tellers and transitioned to other roles throughout their years of service.
“Naveo’s success is attributed to the contributions and commitment made by our employees and their dedication to serving our members over the years. I’m extremely pleased to recognize these five individuals for their years of service to our members. Meralda and Corie have each dedicated three decades of their professional careers to consistently provide a familiar face to our members, a true testimony of their commitment to Naveo and its members,” commented Rui F. Domingos, Chief Executive Officer of Naveo Credit Union.

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