Protestors Outside Somerville City Hall


Photo by Frank Santangelo 

By William Tauro 
This past Wednesday, protestors assembled outside in front of Somerville City Hall. 

The protesters are calling this the first day of the Union Square public benefits process facilitated by LOCUS, a group of real estate developers and investors. Some Union United members will be participating in the process, but said in an email “We continue to believe that a community benefits agreement, negotiated between the community and master developer US2, is the best way to ensure that the development addresses the needs of the people most vulnerable to displacement and hold US2 accountable to their commitments.” Then they’ve went on to say “We do not want to see a repeat of Assembly Square where the developer did not follow through on many of their promises.”
The Public Benefits session continued from 1pm-9pm at Somerville City Hall (93 Highland Avenue). Union United members were leafletting outside Somerville City Hall for most of the day, and did hold a creative action starting at 6pm.

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