Real Life Somerville Police Stories:Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle Arrest

On Friday, November 13, 2015, while assigned to the Traffic Unit, I was on patrol when I observed Massachusetts Registration 972RX3, a black Land Rover SUV, fail to stop at the red light at Broadway and Curtis Street. I immediately activated my emergency lights and sirens and initiated a traffic stop in front of 1169 Broadway. Broadway is a public way in the city of Somerville.


When I approached the driver’s side window, I spoke with the driver, later identified as Mr. Jose Dos Reis Genilson. I asked Mr. Genilson for his license and registration and informed him that I had stopped him because he failed to stop for the red light. Mr. Genilson replied “I thought it was yellow,” and only handed me his registration. I asked for his license and he handed me a Brazilian passport and stated “I do not have a license.” I asked Mr. Genilson why did he not have a license and he replied “I have lived here for 13 years and never had one.” He said he could not get one because “he did not have a social security number.” I then asked Mr. Genilson if he was ever pulled over before or arrested for unlicensed operation and he replied “No, never.”


When I returned to my vehicle to run Mr. Genilson’s information, I was unable to find a Massachusetts license for him but I was able to find him in our system and it showed that he had been pulled over back in 2008 and was summonsed to court for unlicensed operation by one of our officers. I returned to Mr. Genilson‘s vehicle and explained to him what I had found and that he had lied to me. Mr. Genilson replied “There are 13 million immigrants in this country and most do not have licenses!” I then asked Mr. Genilson‘s to turn off the vehicle, step out, and step onto the sidewalk. At this time, I asked Somerville Control to dispatch another unit and to dispatch marked unit 200 as I was going to place Mr. Genilson under arrest for unlicensed operation.


Marked unit West-7, Officers Canty and O’Brien, responded and provided backup while I placed Mr. Genilson in handcuffs and explained to him I was arresting him for unlicensed operation.


Officer O’Brien then searched Mr. Genilson as the prisoner transport vehicle arrived. Mr. Genilson was then transported to the Somerville Police Department and booked by the shift commander, Lt. Mulcahy.


I issued Mr. Genilson Massachusetts Uniform Citation R6650190 for unlicensed operation and failing to stop for a red light.



Respectfully submitted,


Officer Ashley Catatao #299


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