Here’s this Week’s Somervillen Voice Topic of The Week Choice and You Decide!

If the 2016 Presidential Election Was to Be held Today, Who Would You Vote for President?


With all the tragedy going on in the world today in the news and especially this past week in Paris and the ongoing war with ISIS, who would you want to be the commander-in-chief? 


Who do you think would have the courage and the wisdom to fight ISIS, control our borders, strengthen our military and save our economy? Will he or she be a Republican or a Democrat? Maybe citizens should just vote for the candidate and not the party? So many decisions for such an important role that could change everyone’s lives for better or for worse for ever.

 Sent in by our readers!

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Send Us Your Choice for This Week’s Somerville News Weekly “Somervillen Voice’s Topic” of the Week!
What topic is the most deserving of that title for the world to see for any recent good deed or mind boggling thing that they may have recently accomplished!
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