Ward One School Committeeman Steve Roix Visits Cobble Hill Elders

By Martin Polignone 

Ward One School Committeeman Steve Roix made a visit to the elders at Cobble Hill this past Wednesday morning to discuss the happenings of the Somerville school system and provided coffee and doughnuts for all to enjoy.

Roix spoke of the curriculum offered in the schools and what the future holds for public education in the city.

When the subject of diversity in the schools was discussed, some recent immigrants had comments and questions about the educational benefits that young people their grandchildren’s age are receiving in Somerville.

 Joaquim Campos (pictured above) remarked that he is very impressed with what others from his native Brazil have told him about the quality of the teaching staff and further remarked about the advantages of a school district made up of so many different cultures such as we have here Somerville.

 Campos proudly stated that as a new U.S. citizen, he understands the responsibility of voting for someone that will be the best person for the job, as he and most everyone in attendance agreed that Roix is and will continue to be the best choice for the school committee. 

After winding down the event with a lot reminiscing by the elders of their “old days” in the Somerville schools and them becoming parents and grandparents of children attending the same schools as they did, Roix took time to stay an chat individually with many that stayed to ask more questions or just chat about making their beloved city and schools better for future generations to come.

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