Somerville Overcoming Addiction Goes to Washington

By Joann Bocca Rivieccio  

This past weekend, We the People made history.  Somerville Overcoming Adiction’s Kris Perry Long spoke in front Congress this week representing all of us here in Massachuetts. 


Letter to the Editor:

We were well represented thank you to Chief Campanella , Joanne Peterson,Matt Ganem and many more.  We walked to the Whitehouse in hugh numbers and the weather didn’t stop us .NO MORE LIVES and FED UP … FDA WHY ARE YOU KILLING OUR CHILDREN TODAY that was our message ! On a sad note in our small group who traveled together we had 2 overdoses one saved and another passed …
SPEAKOUT about stigma , Drug prescription misuse and Doctors over prescribing opiates , SPEAK TO your children about the dangers of drugs , don’t wait until the road of addictions ruins your families … Boy do I remember the great days of family vacations early on and the fight for rehabs and detoxes in the end …. Everyone knows who is using …it is time to have no shame , talk about it and STIGMA will be gone and HEALING will take place …. 23,000,000 in recovery and 22,000,000 are actively using …. recovery is possible and we need to help persons in recovery by getting their licenses back and making jobs obtainable , training for jobs and how about housing and food stamps !!! Many addicts are homeless without food and clothing .

ALL LIVES MATTER AND MATTERED. keep those in recovery by helping them stay focused , give them a reason to stay in recovery TODAY !

 ONE DAY AT A TIME  The message was sent to everyone and the hugh message was sent to the PRESIDENT loud and clear !!! WE THE PEOPLE are telling you and all persons we elected REPRESENT US …TIME TO TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN OUR AMERICAN FAMILIES. 

We want to achieve the American Dream that has been promised to others that have come from other countries to achieve. M

I would like to add a special thanks to Mary Jo Rossettii , Jack Connolly, Matthew McLaughlin Mark Neidergang for your continued support in helping our community and the war on Drugs THANK YOU so much …many don’t know your involvement together we can achieve more


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