Shouldn’t All Restaurants Have Functioning Restrooms in Somerville?


By William Tauro

And by “restaurants,” I;m also talking Subway, Dunkin Donuts, etc…

These are eating establishments, right? Shouldn’t there be a place available for me to wash my hands before eating at the restaurant? Or if I’m a customer, shouldn’t I be able to use the restroom after I eat or drink my 64 oz. coffee?

We’ve noticed a few eateries around Somerville that have had signs posted on their restroom doors for quite a while that deny and discourage access and the use of their restroom facilities.

Local health departments after their inspectors run into these situations should crack down and impose stiff fines on restaurant owners to prevent these only to familiar situations from continuously occurring. Voters should lobby their aldermen and state representatives and make this happen.

If you come across one of these “Out of Order” signs while in the Ville, please email us a photo at and we’ll make them famous!

“If its broken fix it, if it works unlock it!”


2 thoughts on “Shouldn’t All Restaurants Have Functioning Restrooms in Somerville?”

  1. My friends and I go to DD almost every day. We haven’t been able to use the facility in a long time. It should be fixed by now I mean NOW. Today not next week, now.

  2. Dunks near Trum closed it’s restrooms. I used to use it years ago. I do know drug addicts use Dunks bathrooms to do their drugs. Just an FYI. You should inquire why that Dunks closed the rest rooms.

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