A Note of Thanks to the Somerville Community from Superintendent Pierantozzi

As I prepare to enter the next chapter in my life starting on July 6, 2015, I do so with gratitude for the opportunity to be part this outstanding community.

It has been my immense honor and privilege to serve our City, a city that respects and supports our youth and education like few others, as Superintendent of the Somerville Public Schools for a decade. I am thankful to be finishing a rewarding career in public education in the best urban school district in the Commonwealth.

The District has flourished in many ways, thanks to the outstanding work of our staff, students, parents, guardians, and community partners. The collaboration, teamwork and unity of purpose during my tenure are the genesis of our work and emblematic of a City truly committed to helping every student maximize their potential. The children and youth of Somerville have been the beneficiaries of our work together, but the entire City has and will continue to be positively affected.

Looking ahead, I will sorely miss the students, faculty and staff, central office staff, parents and guardians, community, School Committee members, and the many champions of Somerville youth with whom I have had the privilege of serving in the past decade. I will always remember my service to the Somerville community with fondness and pride.

Thank you for the opportunity to work for you and with you in providing Somerville youth with a strong, balanced educational foundation.

Together, we have made tremendous strides toward achieving that goal, and I am confident that this important work and progress will continue. I am also confident that the relationships developed during my tenure as Superintendent will endure and deepen after my departure. I leave with the knowledge that the work we have done together will continue to strengthen with your continued support and the able leadership of incoming Superintendent Mary Skipper.

Thank you, Somerville.

Tony Pierantozzi, Superintendent of Schools

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