RESPOND’s Triple 5k Challenge

The Triple 5K Challenge
We need your help!

RESPOND is in a race against time! Our fiscal year is coming to an end on June 30 and we’re $15,000 from our fundraising goal- our Triple 5k Challenge! RESPOND needs your help to reach this goal so we can continue our marathon efforts to end domestic violence: 24/7 hotline, emergency shelter, community education. Please help by making a donation today.

With your support, we can continue to help clients like Amina who was proud to “move out of my husband’s shadow and build a safe and healthy future for myself and my son.” We could not change and save lives without you.

Donate by midnight on June 30th to help us stay on track. Let’s finish this race together. All donors will be listed in our Gala Program Book.* Make your donation today by midnight for a chance to win a limited edition RESPOND “Love is Love” tshirt.

*Donors may request anonymity

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