Highway Robbery, Hijacked Parking Spaces in Somerville


By William Tauro

Neighbors are outraged and business owners are furious over last months decision to due away with the parking and imposing no parking anytime signs on McGrath Highway, on both sides, from Washington Street to Somerville Avenue.

The new parking regulations came into affect after this notice was posted in local newspapers for the past three weeks that read:
“2015-21 Article V Section 5-5 “Parking Locations and Prohibitions” is amended with the following: No Parking Any Time on McGrath Highway, both sides, from Washington St to Somerville Ave (for the duration of the construction associated with Mccarthy Overpass Project)!”​PROMULGATED: JUNE 2, 2015
​ADVERTISED: JUNE 9, 2015, JUNE 16, 2015, JUNE 23, 2015 ​ EFFECTIVE: JULY 1, 2015,Suzanne Rinfret, Director.

“This is not fair,” Maria Lopez, one resident who lives on that road said.
“Our family has been here for over forty years and we have lived here for over thirty years and now just like that, poof, its all gone!” “Where do we park now?” “How do we unload our groceries?” “Where can our family and friends park that want to come to visit us?” “This is totally unfair, we feel as if we were robbed!”

In a phone interview with Excel, a mechanical company that has an office and shop located on McGrath Highway, an employee of the company said ” How are we supposed to receive our stock deliveries?” “We can’t even unload supplies from our vehicles without getting a parking ticket now!”

One business owner that we’ve talked to who preferred not to give his name with fear of any retaliation from the city said that “This monstrosity is going to put us out of business as well as all the other businesses on this road out of business within a year!” “These buildings have been here for over one hundred years and all of a sudden people from other parts of the city are telling them how to live our lives and not to park in front front of their own buildings.” with a look of disgust on his face he continued to say “It was bad enough when they took away parking on the opposite side of the street but now both sides of the street totally ridiculous and uncalled for!” He went on to say that “Business is bad enough with one side of the street parking gone but now with both sides gone so are our customers.”
“We’re even more outraged to find out about the plan that illuminated the parking spots now calls to install bikepaths and that’s even more of a slap in the face!” “Since these signs went up last week the entire street is a ghost town!”

The residents and business owners that we talked to on this street are planning to have signatures gathered and petitions signed to fight the order.



2 thoughts on “Highway Robbery, Hijacked Parking Spaces in Somerville”

  1. We would like to thank all of you who posted to this article, the Somerville Board of Alderman and to the army of angry business owners and residents that marched into city hall at the Alderman’s meeting on Thursday night and spoke up and defeated this outrageous and unfair order. And a special thank you goes out to Ward 2 Alderman Maryann Heuston for sponsoring and Ward 5 Alderman Mark Neidagang for co-sponsoring the board order to help move this forward!

    The signs have been ordered to be taken down within 48 hours and parking is allowed there once again for the people and businesses who reside there.

    The people of Somerville have spoken, their voices heard and will not be walked on.

    We complement the mayor for all his hard work and effort for all that he and his administration have done to make Somerville the greatest city on the planet but unfortunately someone dropped the ball on this one that the could have caused a ripple effect of destruction to many Somerville residents, local businesses and a Somerville neighborhood.

    Municipalities and government should not be sneaky and do what they want when they want. They should properly notify, consult and address the people of Somerville to see what their needs are and work with them before idiotic orders like this parking restriction ruin and destroy local neighborhoods and small businesses in our city.

    Thank you,
    Somerville News Weekly

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