Real Life Somerville Police Stories


At approximately 10:42 am, I was in the area of the MBTA subway stop on Holland Street, when I was waved down by a civilian across the street who stated that a fight was occurring in
Statue Park. I crossed the street into Statue park where I witnessed two males squaring off against each other and shouting in front of Tedeschi’s Convience store in Statue park.

I closed the distance and ordered the men to stop. One male complied and sat down on the bench. The other male, who I recognized as Clifford Flynn, raised his arms and shouted, “What, I’m friends with him.” Other male then stated, “he just tried to steal money from me.”

Flynn continued to act in a combative manner and refused to comply with my instructions. I ordered Flynn to place his hands behind his back three times and he refused to comply. Officer Gee arrived on scene and we placed Flynn into handcuffs. Flynn actively tried to pull his arms away from officers and shouted while we placed him into handcuffs.

Flynn kept repeating that he had not done anything wrong and was just having an argument with his friend. I asked Flynn what his friend’s name was and he stated it was Richard.

I spoke with the person who had originally flagged me down. He stated that just prior to the altercation, Flynn had come up to him and asked to see his phone. When he told Flynn no, Flynn threatened to “crack him on the head.”

I informed Flynn that he was under arrest for Disorderly conduct. A search of Flynn’s person revealed a CVS prescription bottle in his left pocket that had a single yellow pill stamped TEVA 832. The bottle had the label ripped off of it and Flynn had no prescription for the pill. I was able to identify the pill via as Clonazepam .5 mg. Based on this I will be seeking the additional charge of: Possession of a Class E Substance.

Flynn was transported back the police station in the prisoner transportation unit 200.

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