SATURDAY, May 3, the 123rd day of 2014 with 241 to follow. Sunrise in the Boston area is @ 5:37 and sunset is @ 7:45. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are stars are Neptune, Saturn, Uranus & Venus. The evening stars are Mercury, Mars & Jupiter.

ON THIS DAY IN: 1494 – Christopher Columbus sighted the island of Jamaica.

1765 – The first U.S. medical school to offer a full diploma program opened, at what is now called the University of Pennsylvania.

1802 – Washington, D.C. was incorporated as a city.

1855 – Macon B. Allen became the first African-American to be admitted to the Bar, in Massachusetts.

1921 – West Virginia imposed the first state sales tax.

1937 – Margaret Mitchell won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel, “Gone With the Wind.”

1947 – Japan’s new constitution went into effect; it granted universal suffrage, stripped Emperor Hirohito of all but symbolic power, abolished peerage, outlawed Japan’s right to make war, and offered a bill of rights.

1952 – The first airplane landed on the geographic North Pole.

1971 – National Public Radio started broadcasting.

1979 – Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher was chosen as Britain’s first female prime minister; the Tories ousted the incumbent Labour Party government in parliamentary elections.

2003 – The Old Man of the Mountain, a famous natural granite formation on Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire, fell; the formation resembled a face and had been an icon of the state.

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