Somerville/Medford News Weekly:Street and Sidewalk Repairs Nothing Has Been Started

Dear Billy T and Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line,

Hi Billy , got a question , hopefully u can shed some light on this for me .
I’ve been told buy the mayor’s office & the construction engineers & the D.P.W that my street Pearson raod will be repaved and the sidewalks fixed beginning the first week of april .

Thus nothing has been started .
Nor on the surounding streets .
The roads are all cut up from the gas line removal and repairs to every home ….
The sidewalks are so hard for a person who is disabled like my father who has been a resident of Somerville for 75 yrs ..
& Has never missed a payment for city taxes ..
Or property tax or water bill .
Never late on a payment .
I’ve called the mayor’s office multiple times in the past & my question in regards to this matter fall on deaf ears ..
& Now empty promises ..
I feel that this is wrong .
& My father can’t even enjoy a walk up and down the sidewalk for exercise .
Granted he uses a wheelchair or his walker .
He should have that right .
It’s not a luxury it’s a priority …
I see the sadness in his eyes on how this city council & mayor’s office & official’s have put aside the well being of the elderly people .
It’s not right .
He enjoys going out for a walk durring a nice day .
I don’t no who else I can talk to about this .

He is 86 yrs old a union worker for 40 yrs & his retirement is confined to his driveway on nice sunny days .
Just wrong .

I hope u can shed some light on this matter for my family .
Thank u,

One thought on “Somerville/Medford News Weekly:Street and Sidewalk Repairs Nothing Has Been Started”

  1. Yup, been a problem with my elderly parents too and having them fall and trip over these despicable sidewalks. Too bad they could not have enjoyed outside walking. Guess spending so much money on stupid plastic poles and paint they can’t take care of the city. I came home from the hospital yesterday from major surgery and it was a most unpleasant experience. To say the least. Several elderly have fallen and tripped. One was rushed to hospital. She should have sued but being timid like many they let it go. I have to figure out where I can go to walk safely in my recovery. Certainly won’t be where I live.

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