Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Tyler MANNING (Disorderly, Resisting, Threats)

On the above date and time, Officers Ribeiro, C. Collette, and I, were dispatched to 78 Broadway, Bairos Liquors, for an intoxicated customer who refused to leave the liquor store after the store manager, XXXX, refused to sell liquor to the defendant, Tyler Manning.

XXXX told Officer Ribeiro that he refused to sell liquor to Manning because of his level of intoxication. According to XXXX, Manning began to threaten XXXX by saying, “I’m going to kick your ass. Come at me, I’ll beat you up.” XXXX then informed Manning that he was calling the Somerville Police.

Officer Ribeiro arrived on scene first. When I arrived shortly after, I observed Manning shouting at Officer Ribeiro. Manning was standing almost nose to nose with Officer Ribeiro on the sidewalk. I exited my marked cruiser and began to approach Manning. Manning’s attention immediately focused on me. Manning took a combative stance, and began shouting at me, “Come at me. I’ll fucking kick your ass nigga, I’ll take you out nigga. I’ll grab your gun and shoot you nigga. Come at me nigga. I’ll beat the shit out of you nigga. Manning made these statement numerous time to me. I ordered Manning numerous times to leave the area, however, as Manning was belligerently shouting at me, he then chest bumped me.

I immediately pressed Manning up against the building, and I then followed up with an arm bar takedown. Manning was on his stomach on the ground. A struggle ensued and Officer C. Collette and I placed Manning in handcuffs. I informed Manning that he was under arrest. Manning made numerous attempts to get up and lunge at me. Manning also continued to make the same threats at me. He was then placed on a bench, and he continued to try and get up to lunge at me. I kept my left hand on his right shoulder so that I could forcibly keep him seated on the bench.

At my request, prisoner transport vehicle, Unit 200, arrived on scene. Officer D. Dottin was conducting an inventory searching of Manning prior to placing Manning in the Unit 200. While Officer D. Dottin was searching Manning, Manning began to call Officer D. Dottin a nigga, and he also made similar threats to Officer D. Dottin. Officer D. Dottin at the conclusion of the inventory search, placed Manning in Unit 200, and buckled Manning in with a seat belt for safety purposes.

Sgt. Schneider informed me at the Somerville Police Station that he was unable to book Manning at the booking window because of Manning’s behavior. Sgt. Schneider had Manning placed into a prisoner cell so that he could have some time to calm down in the hopes that the officer in charge could finish the booking process.

Respectfully submitted,

Officer Eduardo Soares
Badge #272

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