Elect Rayla Campbell for Congress MA-7

Rayla is a native of Boston who grew up in Scituate. Rayla has resided in Randolph for the last 13 years and maintains strong family ties to the communities of Mattapan, Milton, Dorchester, Mission Hill, Roslindale, and W. Roxbury.
Rayla attended public schools and went right into the work force in Boston after returning to school to become a DANB Certified Dental Assistant graduating top of her class as Valedictorian at the Porter and Chester Institute of Canton. She then transitioned to insurance and claims management and now works as an administrator in the Healthcare industry.
Rayla is married to John with three beautiful children Josephine, Hannah, and Tytan. Rayla knows what it means to struggle and to succeed. Rayla wants to show others especially her children that in American the sky is the limit and that no matter who you are or where you’re from, nothing can stop you from achieving the American dream. Rayla is a fighter who is willing to stand up for her principles yet listen sincerely to all voices in the district. The constituents of the 7th District are her family, friends, colleagues, and as she campaigns across the district she hopes to unite the various and diverse voices in the district and speak for all who have needs and constituent services.
Boston deserves a Congresswoman focused on bipartisanship and solutions for the hard working people of the 7th District. Currently the district does not have a representative focused on these values but instead a radical and dark ideology focused on fomenting and promoting hate and disrespect to other Americans. This style of representation serves no one and hurts all who are represented by it. Both Boston and the nation have a rich and proud history and it should be protected not torn down. Rayla believes in American exceptionalism and that we should always honor our values, rights, and our Constitution. Rayla further believes leaders should lead not pander to special interested and their own petty partisan perspectives and rise above to serve the district. Our families and communities are diverse and should be represented by someone who believes in diversity and desires to represent a diverse pageantry of American ideas.

3 thoughts on “Elect Rayla Campbell for Congress MA-7”

  1. Run Rayla run. It Was very disgusting to see how you were attacked by someone many thought was a true community spirotrd activist. It was intresting how quick she was removed from many of the groups that publicly supported her as a result of her attacks on you and your family.

    I firmly believe if you work hard at reaching out to voters and getting your message out you have a chance of unseating a one issue candidate.
    Somerville voters could make change by electing someone that reflects the community and district as a whole

    Sadly the Democratic party has caved into a more socialist far left group that DO NOT REFLECT MIDDLE CLASS WORKING AMERICA. Unfortunately as a result i left the party and will now vote on the most important issues that affect me and my family not just the candidates affiliation.

    Massachusetts 7 th had a very capable and even keeled liberal who not only worked harder than anyone else in Washington. Mike Capuano brought home the bacon to every corner of the district that he represented.

    Today all the talk and negativity that continues to be at center stage only creates divide without any positive change or improvements socially.and financially. More discussion, conversation and understanding is needed.

    Somerville along with other communities has always been welcoming to everyone amd it should always be that way. When anyone gets attacked just because they are a candidate for public office thats proves where the wrong is.

    I seen this posted in someones apartment ITS NOT WHAT YOU SEE ITS HOW YOU SEE IT.

    Kick some ass! I am on board. Come visit anytime we are with you.

    1. Good one John, said it well as usual. We desperately need a change. Mike was a great loss to us. I think it was more realized after he was replaced. So I am also on board with Rayla.

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