Somerville Remembering Paul Cook


Our sincere condolences thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Paul Cook on his passing.
Paul was the proprietor of Divine Signs in Somerville who was a wonderful person with many friends throughout the city.

Paul Cook will be sadly missed here in Somerville.

Funeral service information to follow…

4 thoughts on “Somerville Remembering Paul Cook”

  1. Steve Hershman
    I was Paul’s and Natalia’s friend and accountant for many years for Divine Signs, It saddens my heart to hear of Paul’s passing, and, so many months after the fact. He was a good and kind man in many ways that I remember. He was always down to Earth but he never let that interfere with his love for his family and his workers. He was always about tough love when it was necessary, but never anyone’s fool, and he never neglected his love for his wife and son. Strong, gentle, and honest, are the things I will always remember him by.

  2. Best friends
    A best friend would be your closest friends who would be there for you in any situation no questions asked. I would consider Paul my best friend . When I was young my mother told me that throughout my whole life I would be lucky if I could count my best friends on one hand and she was right. Paul and I met at a young age in middle school and over those years we went on our own way on the journey of life. We re connected after our high school days. I would see Paul running around town on his moped with his scarf blowing in the wind. Unfortunately paul had many accidents and we ended up giving him the nickname Captain crash. We spent many hours at the parks living it up but by our mid twenties we had had enough and A higher power had come into our lives and showed us a new way of life. We both started attended many AA meetings together with many people coming into our lives AA was our biggest gift in life as we got to go from town to town and jail to jail spreading the message of sobriety. Giving back to the program was a way of healing our mind and our souls. We would attend AA dances every weekend and Paul was always the center of attention as he could dance up a storm. Sorry I don’t have a nickname for that but By this time we had become Best friends and did everything together I had been given the nickname of Paul’s second wife by Paul’s wife Natalie. We were just enjoying our lives and traveled everywhere together. We spent the last 30 plus years every Sunday at Foxboro or in my living room watching the patriots together We would go to the frozen four college hockey tournaments every year we attended several super bowls together countless concerts family gatherings we were inseparable. Paul had the biggest heart of anyone I knew he would help anyone in need of help. Helping others was engraved in his soul. When Paul walked into a room everyone would yell Cookie and he would give everyone a big bear hug. His smile and presence would light up a room. Paul had the entrepreneurial spirit , early in his sobriety he bought a button machine and made thousands of dollars selling buttons at the tall ships and the Fourth of July on the esplanade. Shortly after he started his own company called Divine Signs and he was buying property and became a very successful business man.
    Paul had made the decision to sell his business and start a semi retirement in Florida. He had huge plans to purchase real estate in Florida and live out the rest of his life comfortably with his wife Natalie. But many things went wrong and a dark cloud appeared over Paul that he just could not manage to shake. It was like the perfect storm. Paul’s favorite quote was any port in a storm to get the job done
    There are so many wonderful things I could say about Paul but I am sure by now everyone in this room knows what a great guy Paul was

    Here is one of Paul’s favorite quotes from the big book
    God I offer myself to thee, to build with me and do with me as thou wilt.Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties that victory over then will bear witness to those I would help of thy power, thy love and thy way of life. May I do your will always page 63 AA big book
    I miss you my brother Paul and wish we had more time to spend together. As much as it is a tragedy that he is gone, I am very grateful for every decade, year, and minute we got to be together. Spending time with paul was one of my favorite things in life.

  3. I knew Paul for some time always had time to chat and Always Perfect Gentleman Gonna Be Missed And ALWAYS Thought of FROM THOSE WHO KNEW HIM RIP MY Friend God Bless You And Your Family ➕🙏🙏🌹

  4. Just want to say Paul was a great guy we grew up together at Trum Park hanging on the back stairs. We sat in his office and put together the logo for my company and he made it up still in business till this day. I will never forget the laughs we had together. God Bless to you and your family. You will be missed

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