Somerville Budget Manager to Host Reddit AMA (Q&A) Session on Budget: Monday, 6/22, 11 a.m.


Going into this year’s budget season, we’ve gotten a lot of questions from residents about how the budget process works. To help residents better understand the process and how to participate, the City’s Budget Manager is doing a live “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) event at starting at 11 a.m. on Monday, June 22. He’ll take any questions that are submitted within 24 hours, until 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 23. If you’re unfamiliar with AMAs, they’re a type of post on Reddit where anyone can submit a question and get an answer right away.

This is a chance to ask about anything from the timeline, to how to read the budget tables (available at, where to submit your feedback, or any other questions you may have about the budget process.

No Reddit account? No problem! We’ll also post on our City Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at the same time, and you can leave a question in the comments section of either,, or, and in Spanish at We’ll take care of the rest. We encourage live participation, but if you’re unavailable at that time you can also submit a question in advance at

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