Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Doran HENRY (Fail to Stop for PO, MV Op Refuse to ID)

On the above date and time while assigned in plain clothes as a detective Sergeant, I was making my way to the police station in my unmarked car on Washington Street from the McGrath Highway side.

The street was gridlocked and moving very slowly. As I eventually made my way to the station at 220 Washington Street, I saw the source of the gridlock was a box truck making deliveries at 1xx Washington Street. I parked my cruiser in the station parking lot and walked down to the truck.

I located the driver as he was coming out with a two-wheeled dolly. I told him he needed to move his truck. He stated he would and then continued to unload the truck. I told him not to continue unloading until he moved the truck. He said, “You a cop?” I said, “Yes, I am.”

He then wheeled the dolly around me and into the store. He said, “You’ll have to take it up with my boss,” as he walked around me.

He walked into the back out of sight. When he came out, I asked him to produce a license. He said, “I’m just doing my job. I’m not showing you anything.”

I asked a second and third time with similar responses. He told me to move out of his way and became pushy. I told him not to push. I called the station by cell phone and requested a unit respond to assist.

About this time, a customer told the driver he was filming the incident. I encouraged him to do so as I re-iterated that I have asked multiple times for the driver to produce his license.

The driver did walk around me and continue to unload his truck. I called the station again to request the street supervisor respond as well. The street supervisor contacted me by cell phone and I told him what was going on.

Retired Sergeant Joseph Macarelli stopped his personal vehicle and offered his assistance. Macarelli was in full uniform. When the driver came back out, Macarelli told the driver he needed to produce his license. Again, he refused.

I was standing in front of the driver’s door. The driver went around to the passenger side and climbed in. I opened the driver’s door and told him he would be arrested if he drove off. I saw he was intent on leaving. Not wanting to get into a dangerous situation, I closed the driver’s door and stepped away.

The driver drove off. I called Sergeant David Monte by cell phone and provided the license plate number, vehicle description and direction of flight. I told Monte I would arrest the driver for refusing to stop along with other violations if he caught up with the truck.

Sergeant Monte, Detective Michael Faria, and Officer Randy Isaacs caught up with the truck on Bow Street and arrested the driver, later identified as Doran Henry of Springfield, MA. The truck was owned by a company named xxxx. The company sent xxxxx to take possession of the truck. Officer Isaac’s also spoke to xxxxx from the company. he requested the dash cam video be supplied by the company. xxxxx informed the officer the dash cam only turns on when triggered by hitting the brakes too hard or other similar events and there would be no video to provide.

Doran Henry was transported to the police station by car 200, officer Hartsgrove and booked by Lt. William Rymill. He was issued citations # R 3073247 and R 3073248  for Leaving his vehicle unattended and running (90/13), Causing gridlock (89/9), Refusing to identify himself to a police officer (90/25) and Refusing to stop for a police officer (90/25).

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