Letter to the Editor: Why is Somerville’s Homans Building in so much disarray? Who is to blame for this now?

Dear Editor,

This MBTA owned property, yes the Homans building has been like this since the last snowstorm. And that was over two weeks ago how much longer will it stay like this?
The mayor pays people to drive around 2:00am to ticket people with garbage can covers off and they didn’t see this?
Its a major liability for the city, not to mention an eyesore and a danger to the citizens of Somerville. A complete disgrace and disregard for our safety WTF?
Thank you for creating this site,

Marge Peason, Cross Street

One thought on “Letter to the Editor: Why is Somerville’s Homans Building in so much disarray? Who is to blame for this now?”

  1. The answer is simple…….because it’s owned by the city. And by the city I’m guessing the mayor

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