Latest Somerville Neighborhood News 

Please check out the latest Somerville Neighborhood News headlines and video segments. Somerville Neighborhood News is a production of Somerville Community Access Television, made by professional journalists, volunteers and staff. We also invite you to become more involved with SNN! You can join as a community reporter, researcher, contributor or in some other volunteer capacity. You can reach out to us at Below are the latest SNN story headlines and you can watch the full news segments online at!

Representative Michael Capuano Holds a Town Hall at Somerville High School
On March 13th, Representative Michael E. Capuano​ , a former Somerville Mayor, hosted his town hall at Somerville High School. The audience, estimated to be more than 400 people, asked questions of the Congressman for over 90 minutes.

Gaming Convention PAX East features Somerville Musician on Mainstage
Somerville resident and professional violinist Michael Hustedde​ performed on the main stage at popular gaming convention PAX East 2017​. Michael’s group, Videri String Quartet​, is an ensemble dedicated to performing the music of video games at the highest level. Take a look!

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