GOOD MORNING – TODAY IS MONDAY, March 06, the 65th day of 2017 with 300 to follow. Sunrise in the Boston area is @ 6:11 and sunset is @ 5:38. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are stars are Jupiter, Saturn & Mercury. The evening stars are Mars, Neptune, Uranus & Venus.

ON THIS DAY IN: 1521 – Ferdinand Magellan discovered Guam. 

1808 – At Harvard University, the first college orchestra was founded. 

1820 – The Missouri Compromise was enacted by the U.S. Congress and signed by U.S. President James Monroe. The act admitted Missouri into the Union as a slave state, but prohibited slavery in the rest of the northern Louisiana Purchase territory. 

1834 – The city of York in Upper Canada was incorporated as Toronto. 

1836 – The thirteen-day siege of the Alamo by Santa Anna and his army ended. The Mexican army of three thousand men defeated the 189 Texas volunteers. 

1854 – At the Washington Monument, several men stole the Pope’s Stone from the lapidarium. 

1857 – The U.S. Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision ruled that blacks could not sue in federal court to be citizens. 

1886 – “The Nightingale” was first published. It was the first magazine for nurses. 

1899 – Aspirin was patented by German researchers Felix Hoffman and Hermann Dreser. 

1900 – In West Virginia, an explosion trapped 50 coal miners underground. 

1901 – An assassin tried to kill Wilhelm II of Germany in Bremen. 

1907 – British creditors of the Dominican Republic claimed that the U.S. had failed to collect debts. 

1928 – A Communist attack on Peking, China resulted in 3,000 dead and 50,000 fled to Swatow. 

1939 – In Spain, Jose Miaja took over the Madrid government after a military coup and vowed to seek “peace with honor.” 

1941 – Les Hite and his orchestra recorded “The World is Waiting for the Sunrise”. 

1944 – During World War II, U.S. heavy bombers began the first American raid on Berlin. Allied planes dropped 2000 tons of bombs. 

1946 – Ho Chi Minh, the President of Vietnam, struck an agreement with France that recognized his country as an autonomous state within the Indochinese Federation and the French Union. 

1947 – The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the contempt conviction of John L. Lewis. 

1947 – Winston Churchill announced that he opposed British troop withdrawals from India. 

1947 – The first air-conditioned naval ship, “The Newport News,” was launched from Newport News, VA. 

1957 – The British African colonies of the Gold Coast and Togoland became the independent state of Ghana. 

1960 – Switzerland granted women the right to vote in municipal elections. 

1960 – The United States announced that it would send 3,500 troops to Vietnam. 

1964 – Tom O’Hara set a new world indoor record when he ran the mile in 3 minutes, 56.4 seconds. 

1967 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson announced his plan to establish a draft lottery. 

1970 – Charles Manson released his album “Lies” to finance his defense against murder charges. 

1973 – U.S. President Richard Nixon imposed price controls on oil and gas. 

1975 – Iran and Iraq announced that they had settled their border dispute. 

1980 – Islamic militants in Tehran said that they would turn over American hostages to the Revolutionary Council. 

1981 – Walter Cronkite appeared on his last episode of “CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite.” He had been on the job 19 years. 

1981 – U.S. President Reagan announced a plan to cut 37,000 federal jobs. 

1982 – National Basketball Association history was made when San Antonio beat Milwaukee 171-166 in three overtime periods to set the record for most points by two teams in a game. The record was beaten on December 13, 1983 by the Pistons and the Nuggets when they played to a final score of 186-184 

1983 – The United States Football League began its first season of pro football competition. 

1985 – Yul Brynner played his his 4,500th performance in the musical “The King and I.” 

1987 – The British ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsized in the Channel off the coast of Belgium. 189 people died. 

1990 – In Afghanistan, an attempted coup to remove President Najibullah from office failed. 

1990 – The Russian Parliament passed a law that sanctioned the ownership of private property. 

1991 – In Paris, five men were jailed for plotting to smuggle Libyan arms to the Irish Republican Army. 

1992 – The last episode of “The Cosby Show” aired. The show had been on since September of 1984. 

1992 – The computer virus “Michelangelo” went into effect. 

1997 – A gunman stole “Tete de Femme,” a million-dollar Picasso portrait, from a London gallery. The painting was recovered a week later. 

1997 – Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II launched the first official royal Web site. 

1998 – A Connecticut state lottery accountant gunned down three supervisors and the lottery chief before killing himself.

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