Reality Bites by James A. Norton



Ding dong the witch is dead…


I was going to write about some of the insanity surrounding the story that broke a couple of weeks ago regarding a situation that happened at a local school. You know – the story itself, the appearance of sweeping it under the rug by some part of city government, the outcries of fear mongering by one of the other newspapers, the denials by the city, blah blah blah. I decided not to – because it only goes to play to those people looking for a fight. That was evident when the only thing left for people to be critical of was grammar and punctuation. That’s so boring.


It’s nothing new really. Part of the ying and yang that comes with being immersed in this city and watching it’s different power play wannabes that are really nothing more than cheap pawns in a chess game they’re oblivious to. I can speak to this somewhat – as someone who has been in an elected official capacity two different times in the last 25 years, I can tell you that there is tremendous difficulty in balancing information.


Moving away from all that particular nonsense it has become apparent to most around the city that once again, for whatever reason, there is an “us against them” attitude that has emerged pitting two camps of people against each other. The bad part about this is that it is merely a smoke screen – a play of distraction to keep the general public disinterested in the details of things going on around the city that should be of greater interest to the general public. That’s not ever a good thing, but yet it plays out. You know that’s what is happening because clearly those who could put an end to it just don’t. And for anyone with an IQ higher than a houseplant, it’s quite obvious.


So moving away from THAT bigger picture kind of thing – I want to comment about a few things before this year fades into the memory banks. I loved going with my wife Lynda to Illinois to see my kids and our three beautiful granddaughters – Naomi, Nevaeh and Luna. Christmas was an excellent holiday this year for me, my wife, our kids and grandkids – everyone is happy and healthy and Lynda and I are celebrating our 2nd Anniversary in typical Norton style on this very day. Finally, ending out the year in a couple of days will be a very quiet, very personal New Years Eve party for two – ringing in the new year with very special plans for 2016.


It’s always been a little bit of a tease mentioning what’s in store for the new year for me and my wife in both our personal and professional lives. This coming year is not going to disappoint – a newly formed real estate/business team being put together, a trip to the Azores, introduction of a whole series of developed websites/businesses being rolled out and involvement in an expansion of this very newspaper will be the main highlights in the first 90 days of 2016. That’s a good start of things to come.


As I close out this last Reality Bites of 2015, I can only hope that those people playing games, spreading fabricated stories about others and general douchebaggery just stop to take stock in the things that are important in this world – family, friends, business. In that order – and before it is way too late, dummy. Happy New Year from the Nortons. #GMK

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