Op Ed:Somerville Community Corporation Board members

December 21, 2015


It’s that time of year and folks look stressed as they rush from shop to shop to create a holiday that exceeds expectations.


As current and past presidents of the Somerville Community Corporation (SCC), our wish lists have changed over the years. Instead of wishing for the newest tech toy, we hope for a future for Somerville in which people of all incomes can continue to co-exist and where everyone has a home they can afford, a job with a livable wage, and a network of peers to find support and build a movement to improve the community. We’re sure you agree.


In order to do that, we hope you will consider investing in SCC’s Social Equity Campaign by December 31st through the Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) program. It’s a powerful program with an exceptional means of leveraging social investment. Whether you are an institution, a non-profit, a business, or an individual and whether or not you are located in Massachusetts, CITC enables anyone who donates at least $1,000 to get a 50% refundable tax credit in return from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in addition to the standard charitable deduction on your federal taxes.


No iPhone can deliver this fantastic return on investment: a 50% direct tax return plus standard federal deduction to the donor, and the social return of making a significant impact on the community and its economic development with an explicit mission of benefiting low-income residents.


Donations we receive through CITC for our Social Equity Campaign allow us to invest in new efforts, such as launching our First Source Jobs program, and then to incubate the work to a level which can then capture the attention of larger funders. These donations help us provide continuity in program delivery by helping us maintain and expand our capacity. The donations allow us to invest our resources to directly address the priorities established by our members.  


Please consider investing in our Social Equity Campaign this year through the Community Investment Tax Credit Program. The impact of your investment travels a long way and touches your friends and neighbors. Nothing could be more suitable for the holidays, and we can’t emphasize enough how much we value your support.


For instructions on how to make a contribution, as well as other information about the Social Equity Campaign and CITC, please contact Meridith Levy, mlevy@somervillecdc.org, 617-776-5931×242.


With our gratitude this holiday season,


Fred Berman,

Ezra Glenn,

Janine Lotti,

Stephanie Toews Moeling

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