Take A Tour of Ongoing Somerville Investigations Through Our News Lenses


Follow us here in upcoming weeks at the Somerville News Weekly as we take you on an in-depth tour of The City of Somerville as we uncover ongoing investigations that you don’t even know about that’s going on right beneath your noses!
Let us take you on an inside tour side by side of an open active ongoing investigation in the Somerville Treasury Department regarding alleged missing money, a little at a time, day by day. 
Follow us as we take you through a video-tour regarding a stalled but still very active ongoing investigation through a higher law enforcement agency with a little more bite that has just regained momentum in the Department of Public Works.  

Learn about a stalled but silent investigation regarding alleged sexual misconduct with a minor with a Somerville official while on the job.  

Keep up to speed regarding this recent “Potential Terror Threat” story in Somerville as we ask the $64,000 question that if they weren’t so concerned about the West Somerville Neighborhood Middle School terror plot why did that they allegedly contact the Joint Terrorism Task Force of Boston (J.T.T.F.) when this “non-concernable” incident occurred. Now that is definitely something parents should’ve been informed about when it happened! 
Just ask the Somerville School Department Superintendent Mary Skipper if the (J.T.T.F.) was contacted regarding the so-called non important minor incident as they call it and watch it all unfold and the truth of the story come out and we further prove that all of our stories are very true and on point!
And please follow us as we continue to demand that Somerville School Superintendent Mary Skipper step down for ignoring protocol and for her failure of doing her job of keeping our students safe. 

We are here to keep you informed of what’s going on in and around your city with in-depth coverage of coverups and hidden incidents that are partially swept under rugs. 

Thank you for making http://www.Somervillenewsweekly.com your #1 Somerville Local News Source!
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