Obituary of Somerville’s Edward Delzenero

Cobble Hill Loses Long Time Resident

by Martin Polignone

Last week at Cobble Hill Apartments we lost a great neighbor and friend to many.

Edward “Big Eddy” Delzenero passed away after a brief illness but left us with many pleasant memories of a nice elderly man that always had a good word for others and was a great story teller of older days gone by. 
Several long time residents remarked that any time someone would come home from a doctor appointment or with a new medicine, Eddy would draw on his years of experience in nursing, and assure them that all would be ok and to call on him any hour for advice or if he could help in any way. 
He never dwelled on his own medical issues or the fact that he was bound to a wheelchair for many years. 
Eddy would reminisce about his younger days and his pride in being physically fit by a regimen of regular exercise and healthy eating as he encouraged his patients to do the same in his long medical career. 
We will miss Eddy and his big smile and even bigger heart remarked many of his immediate neighbors. Good friends like him don’t come often. 
Rest in peace “Big Ed.”

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