Sat. 10/18: East Somerville Fall Cleanup, Fun Cleaning Prizes!



Make East Somerville Shine:
East Somerville Fall Clean-Up!
WHEN: SATURDAY, October 18th, 10:30am
RAIN DATE: Sunday, October 19th
WHERE: 115 Broadway (East Branch Library)

Grab your garbage bags…
This year East Somerville Main Streets is teaming up with Alderman Matt McLaughlin to clean up East Somerville just in time for the Fall! Join your neighbors and friends as we try to make East Somerville the prettiest neighborhood in Somerville!
East Somerville Main Streets will Provide Prizes For:
Best Before and After!
Weirdest piece of trash!
The 10th person to register as a volunteer gets 2 free tickets to Harvestfest!

If you’re interested in volunteering, please email us at or call us at 617.623.3869.

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