The Harringtons, An Amazing Somerville Family


By William Tauro

Heres a story about an amazing Somerville family, the Harringtons. The Harringtons who lost their son Ryan three years ago to an accidental overdose and have since set up a foundation in his name to help support the youth of Somerville.

In three years they have raised over $40,000, $20,000 just this last event alone. They have donated 95% pf that money to the youth of Somerville.

This family throught the Ryan Harrington Foundation is doing so many great things in Somerville with the money they have raised including sponsoring disadvantaged youth to go to summer camp, sponsoring little league teams, boosting Pop Warner, and supporting Somerville youth football league cheerleaders, etc..etc..the list goes on.

Jesse C, a close family friend said in a recent letter to the editor, “I think that this family’s efforts should be spotlighted and recognized as an example of turning a heartbreaking loss into a positive gain for the community. I for one, as a Somerville resident, am very grateful.
We citizens rely on you (the media) to highlight such stories so please consider publishing this letter as a way to recognize their efforts to not only help the community but to keep Ryan’s memory alive.”

“The Harrington family have been through so much and the amount of love they put into their annual corn toss tournament by the entire extended family is just so heartwarming. It was Ryan’s brother Dave that initially had the idea to hold the tournament to raise money for the youth of Somerville. He personally made the 50 some odd corn toss boards that are used for the tournament including painting them by hand with different logos on each one. Dave’s wife Susan projects the image onto the board with a slide projector and Dave hand paints every design on. This is just one example of the level of love and commitment that this family puts into keeping Ryan’s memory alive.
Since learning about the Harrington’s fundraising efforts I have just been in awe of them in their commitment to make sure everything is done just so…in their effort to honor their son/brother. Whatever material you need I will be happy to supply you with it if I can.
This past week they distributed checks to Somerville Youth Hockey, The Somerville Football League Cheerleaders, and the Somerville YMCA. Next week they will present a check to Somerville Pop Warner. These acts are done simply out of love . They are truly doing God’s work in the community. I want personally and publicly thank them for their efforts and I hope that their tournament will continue to grow for the benefit of all.”

Here are some pics of the Harrington’s meeting with various youth organizations to present the donations.

Photo 1: President of the Ryan Harrington Foundation Dave Harrington presenting a check for $1,500. to the Somerville YMCA.

Photo 2: Mary Harrington presenting the Somerville Youth Football League Cheerleaders with a check for $1,300. to pay for their new uniforms.

Photo 3: Mary Harrington presenting a check to Somerville Youth Hockey for $2,500.

Photo 4: Eileen Harrington presenting a check for $1200. to Somerville Little League to sponsor three teams.

Photo 5: Mary Harrington presenting a check for $2500. to Somerville Pop Warner.

Photo 6: Cheerleaders with their new uniforms and some additional pics from Pop Warner







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