Real Life Somerville Police Stories

Demaras arrest

On the above time and day, while
assigned to marked unit East # 3, I responded to the above location for the report of a noise complaint with people on the roof.

Upon arrival, we where met by the RP He was just assaulted by their third floor neighbor. He observed glass beer bottles smashed on the front side walk and the defendant Steve Demaras who was hosting a party, urinating from the front porch of the third floor onto the sidewalk. . Mr. Demaras who was intoxicated then came down to the first floor and stated “what the you want” and began to punch both victims in the face. I then began to ring the third floor door bell to try to get Mr. Demaras side of the story but nobody came down to open the door. The door was then opened “thank god you guys are here they have been partying all night up there”. As I, along with officer Guillen made our way to the third floor we could here people yelling, coming from the third floor. We then knocked on the door and Mr. Demaras shortly then opened the door and yelled at us “get the out of here”.

We then opened the door and attempted to speak to Mr.Demaras but he continued to yell at us “get the out of here”. I attempted to calm Mr. Demaras down several times but he continued his tirade. We then spoke to some of the guest and advised them to leave giving the time of day .

I then attempted to speak to Mr. Demaras one more time but he continued to yell. At this point I advised him that he was going to be placed under arrest. Mr.Demaras then swung his arm and ran into the bathroom and locked himself inside. A short while later Mr.Damaras came out and was placed under arrest. Mr. Demaras was then transported to the station.

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