Somerville News Weekly Speakup Line:City Counselors Pulling Political Favoritism with Parking Spots in Front of their go to Venues

Dear Billy T and Somerville News Weekly Speakup Line,

Ok so a couple of things /
Anyone notice a lot of meetings take place at drinking establishments ? Speaks volumes – do we not have any meeting places within the city ?

Winter Hill Brewery was also allowed to keep 2 parking spaces out front whereas brand new businesses including City’s retirement board had 8 meters with covers on

Notice in the email not one mention of Broadway bike/bus lanes after numerous people have contacted this councilor WITH NO REPLY !

2 thoughts on “Somerville News Weekly Speakup Line:City Counselors Pulling Political Favoritism with Parking Spots in Front of their go to Venues”

  1. For what it’s worth, it’s usually locally owned, independent businesses that offer their spaces (usually for free) for city/neighborhood meetings. With that said, however, I was always disappointed when big corporate businesses would set up shop without the negotiation of a meeting space to be included in their storefront.

  2. Somerville has always had a reputation for it’s watering holes. It continues to this day thanks to the politicians. What other city escorts you to the drinking establishment to drink? It’s normal here for most anything here to be at a drinking place or end up at a drinking place. Maybe one day that will change and things will end up at a cannabis cafe. It’s Somerville being Somerville

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