The Weekend Before Christmas on Broadway Somerville

By Arthur Moore

I had hoped for some relief by now for those poor businesses in Winter Hill for Christmas. I know the beauty places really could have used the parking for their less mobile patrons but looks like they will just have to suffer more losses since their parking was taken away from them.  

You would think that to pull out those plastic poles would have been an easy job for them. It would have shown some compassion for these people. A great Christmas gift from the city. But no, further losses. And to add insult to injury that bike lane is still not being used enough to do this to them. Even Scrooge broke down and gave to charity for the holiday. But Medford sure appreciates it as I have heard first hand that is where many are going now. So much for love for our small businesses here.

No one deserves this kind of treatment at any time of the year. Personally I can’t help but seeing this as a deliberate to put these people out of business.  Nothing else makes any sense. The loss of safety, traffic congestion some of which is now moved to the side streets making the problem even bigger. And creating unsafe areas of Broadway for bikers.  Just wait until the next 4 bridges are shut down this coming year.

If we can spend the extra time and effort to support the small businesses of Winter Hill it can help them to help survive this in the hopes we can get them some help. It’s an impossible situation for many in the city also dealing with construction. These are good hard working people. Especially if it food or service you would be buying anyway.

Thank you,

Arthur Moore     

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