By Bob Katzen

The House 156-0, approved and sent to the Senate a bill requiring the state’s Office of Travel and Tourism and Department of Transportation to develop and implement a Women’s Rights History Trail program which will designate properties and sites that are historically associated with the struggle for women’s rights and women’s suffrage. The program is designed to promote education and awareness of the struggle for women’s rights in the Bay State. The passage of this bill coincides with preparations for the yearlong centennial celebration of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granting women full voting rights.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize the many notable women who have influenced Massachusetts in important and lasting ways as we prepare for the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage,” said the bill’s co-sponsor Rep. Carolyn Dykema (D-Holliston) … “The establishment of a trail will allow us to all hear and appreciate the powerful stories of strong women that will expand our understanding of history and shape our expectations for the future.”

“The creation of a women’s rights history trail in our commonwealth is an opportunity to rightfully credit and celebrate the many women who played a pivotal role in our state’s history, our nation’s democracy and the fight for women’s suffrage, and to inspire future generations of young women and men alike,” said Rep. Hannah Kane (D-Shrewsbury), a co-sponsor of the measure. “A boost for our commonwealth’s tourism industry, the trail provides municipalities across the Bay State with a valuable new mechanism to draw visitors and proudly highlight their connection to historical women, sites and properties.”

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