District Attorneys Marian Ryan and Rachael Rollins to Address Media on Preliminary Injunction Allowed in Lawsuit Regarding ICE Arrests in Massachusetts Courthouses

“Today our federal court has recognized the irreparable harm being caused by ICE’s disruptive policy of using our courthouses to conduct civil arrests. I am very pleased by today’s decision and I again want to thank our partners, District Attorney Rollins, CPCS and the Chelsea Collaborative. In Massachusetts, we are today, as we always have been, leaders in protecting the most vulnerable members of our community. This decision reaffirms that every person in our Commonwealth should be able to seek justice in our courts without fear or hesitation. The granting of this injunction is a critical step in the right direction for our Commonwealth and it should be a model for our nation.” – District Attorney Marian Ryan.

“I am incredibly proud that after taking office on January 2, 2019, I was relentless in pushing this litigation forward. I believe that urgency is required in this moment, and I’m grateful that today’s ruling provides that urgent relief. I’m also grateful to our partners District Attorney Ryan, CPCS, and the Chelsea Collaborative for their vital roles in this historic action. Today’s decision ensures that every victim,
witness, and defendant who walks into a Massachusetts courthouse does so with the confidence that they have access to the equal protection of the law, and that they can exercise their rights without risk of civil arrest charges in public areas.” – District Attorney Rachael Rollins.

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