Third East Somerville Reunion at the Somerville City Club Photos

Photos by Susan Mangherini Griffin

By William Tauro

This past Saturday evening, dozens of Somervillians attended the Third East Somerville Reunion at the Somerville City Club from Somerville and some even from across the country.

The event was put together with the help of Somerville’s own Dan Rogovich, Susan Mangherini Griffin and with some very dedicated Somervillens.

5 thoughts on “Third East Somerville Reunion at the Somerville City Club Photos”

  1. Forgot to mention that I also regognized Bob DiGuardia guitarist – You guys must’ve rocked

  2. Wow-I just saw this ! Looks like you guys had a great time. I remember Dan Rogovich from the Hanscom and Northeastern Jr. High.Some of the faces looked familiar- Seems like lightyears ago. LOL

  3. What a great time! The band really enjoyed playing and it was great to see some of my old friends from NEJHS and SHS. Kudos to Danny, who I met at the Hanscom School in Mr. Kiley’s 5th grade class and Susan who I remember from SHS.

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