How much your community will receive for the costs of early voting in 2016 – Beacon Hill Roll Call

By Bob Katzen

State Auditor Suzanne Bump has recommended that a total of $1,063,978 be reimbursed to the state’s 351 cities and towns to cover the costs incurred for complying with a 2014 state law requiring that all voters be provided the option of early voting in the 2016 General Election. The early voting law requires that municipalities set up a system that will allow voters to vote during a 12-day early voting period instead of just on Election Day.

Here is the breakdown of how much each city or town will receive.

This follows Bump’s ruling that the 2014 mandate to set up a system for early voting is an unfunded, state mandated cost that under law must be reimbursed to cities and towns.

The funding still must be approved by the Legislature and signed by the governor prior to the funds actually going to cities and towns.

Secretary of State Bill Galvin’s office says that 22 percent or more than 1 million voters took advantage of early voting in 2016.

One thought on “How much your community will receive for the costs of early voting in 2016 – Beacon Hill Roll Call”

  1. Not worth it. This money could have been used for many good things we are in desperate need for. I would rather spend it on the homeless and unfed. The results from the election are still going to be known when the votes are counted. We have absentee ballets also. There is no need to waste money we do not have. The debt calculator rs still ticking and we do not need to rob our future generations of any more money they will have to pay back. It all adds up. We simply cannot afford wasteful spending in this country. Election has worked well for this country since it was founded. If it;s not broken don;t fix it.

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