GOOD MORNING – TODAY IS THURSDAY, November 09, the 313th day of 2017 with 52 to follow. Sunrise in the Boston area is @ 6:27 and sunset is @ 4:82. The moon is waning. The morning stars are stars are Jupiter, Saturn & Mercury. The evening stars are Mars, Neptune, Uranus & Venus.

ON THIS DAY IN:  1857 – The “Atlantic Monthly” first appeared on newsstands and featured the first installment of “The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table” by Oliver Wendell Holmes.

1872 – A fire destroyed about 800 buildings in Boston, MA. 

1906 – U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt left for Panama to see the progress on the new canal. It was the first foreign trip by a U.S. president.

1911 – George Claude of Paris, France, applied for a patent on neon advertising signs.

1918 – Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II announced he would abdicate. He then fled to the Netherlands.

1923 – In Munich, the Beer Hall Putsch was crushed by German troops that were loyal to the democratic government. The event began the evening before when Adolf Hitler took control of a beer hall full of Bavarian government leaders at gunpoint.

1935 – United Mine Workers president John L. Lewis and other labor leaders formed the Committee for Industrial Organization.

1938 – Nazi troops and sympathizers destroyed and looted 7,500 Jewish businesses, burned 267 synagogues, killed 91 Jews, and rounded up over 25,000 Jewish men in an event that became known as Kristallnacht or “Night of Broken Glass.”

1953 – The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a 1922 ruling that major league baseball did not come within the scope of federal antitrust laws.

1961 – Major Robert White flew an X-15 rocket plane at a world record speed of 4,093 mph.

1961 – The Professional Golfer’s Association (PGA) eliminated its “caucasians only” rule.

1963 – In Japan, about 450 miners were killed in a coal-dust explosion.

1963 – In Japan, 160 people died in a train crash.

1965 – The great Northeast blackout occurred as several states and parts of Canada were hit by a series of power failures lasting up to 13 1/2 hours.

1967 – A Saturn V rocket carrying an unmanned Apollo spacecraft blasted off from Cape Kennedy on a successful test flight.

1976 – The U.N. General Assembly approved ten resolutions condemning the apartheid government in South Africa.

1979 – The United Nations Security Council unanimously called upon Iran to release all American hostages “without delay.” Militants, mostly students had taken 63 Americans hostage at the U.S.embassy in Tehran, Iran, on November 4.

1981 – U.S. troops began arriving in Egypt for a three-week Rapid Deployment Force excercise. Somalia, Sudan and Oman were also involved in the operation.

1981 – The Internation Monetary Fund approved a $5.8 billion load to India. It was the highest loan to date.

1982 – Sugar Ray Leonard retired from boxing. In 1984 Leonard came out of retirement to fight one more time before becoming a boxing commentator for NBC.

1984 – A bronze statue titled “Three Servicemen,” by Frederick Hart, was unveiled at the site of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.

1989 – Communist East Germany opened its borders, allowing its citizens to travel freely to West Germany.

1990 – Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev signed a non-aggression treaty with Germany.

1992 – Russian President Boris Yeltsin, visiting London, appealed for assistance in rescheduling his country’s debt, and asked British businesses to invest.

1997 – Barry Sanders (Detroit Lions) became the first player in NFL history to rush for over 1,000 yards in nine straight seasons. In the same game Sanders passed former Dallas Cowboy Tony Dorsett for third place on the all-time rushing list.

1998 – A federal judge in New York approved the richest antitrust settlement in U.S. history. A leading brokerage firm was ordered to pay $1.03 billion to investors who had sued over price-rigging of Nasdaq stocks.

1998 – PBS aired its documentary special “Chihuly Over Venice.”

2004 – U.S. First Lady Laura Bush officially reopened Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House to pedestrians.

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