Somerville Arts Councle BeardFest 2014


Event Date:
Sunday, February 2 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

2014 Beard & Moustache Contest.
Online registration now open.
Venue: Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave.

Join us for a fun creative hair contest. Contestants will vie for prizes in 5 categories: natural full beard, free-style full beard, free-style moustache, free-style partial beard, (which includes goatees, sideburns and any other creative combination of the above), and for follicle challenged, best fake beard.

Food and drink, scratchy music with DJ Pace, whimsical prizes for our contestants, a make-your-own beard table, and a room full of artistic facial hair–what better way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

In preparation for the Boston Beard Bureau hosting the 2014 Northeast Regional Beard and Moustache Championships on August 2, we will have a barber on hand able to give people a fresh start. Competitors who choose to be shaven on site at our Beardfest will be eligible to compete in the “6-month Sprint” category at the Regional Championships on August 2nd.

General public invited. $5 for general entry and for registrants. And check out the individual contestants below and click on their profiles.

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