Medford Lions and Donors “ROARED” MAY 22

The Caron Theater was full for graduates, officials, teachers, parents, Awardees, and Donors for the excitement, thanks and memory this Scholarship night brings!!

Studying is work, building character and good grades takes decisions , time, strength…wonderful stories that Inspire us as some Awards were started years ago by families, friends, athletics and the and expansion and dedication to the Scholarships…truly hard work to truly hardwork students with some interesting, touching stories.

Our Medford Lions Club gives to an eye, hearing, or physical hardship student
as our HUGE call is geared toward Eye Research and Health facets. Our fine Senior recipient was Rachel Carbone.We were proud to speak of the Lions Founding 105 years ago and the Mlillons of Dollars raised appx 2 years ago for MassEye Research, Tufts and BU Eye Research, Children’s Hospital and the Joslin Clinic, etc.

With Lion Pride,
Sharon Deyeso, VP
Usha Sharma, PR

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