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One Somerville, Every Child: Mayor Ballantyne Invites Somerville to Celebrate the ‘Week of the Young Child’ April 8, 2024 through April 12, 2024

Somerville community invited to join celebration with music, food and children’s activities and learn more about Somerville’s community-wide approach to supporting childhood development

SOMERVILLE – Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, Somerville Public Schools, and Somerville’s early childhood community invite Somerville parents, children, and educators to celebrate the Week of the Young Child from April 6 to 12, 2024.

The Week of the Young Child was designated by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families. This week of celebrations will include programming and activities across the city, family-friendly specials in local restaurants, and will culminate in a community-wide celebration on Thursday, April 11, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the Somerville High School concourse (81 Highland Ave). The event will include family-friendly music, food, and activities, as well as a proclamation by Mayor Ballantyne advocating for young children.

“Somerville is proud to join hands with our esteemed early childhood community in commemorating the Week of the Young Child. This celebration underscores our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our youngest residents and their families,” said Mayor Katjana Ballantyne. “Through initiatives like SomerBaby, Home Visiting, and the establishment of the Somerville Partnership for Young Children, the City strives to dismantle barriers and foster an inclusive environment where every child can thrive. Together with Somerville Public Schools and our dedicated community partners, we invite parents, children, and educators alike to learn more about all of our supportive family services and join enriching programming and activities across the city.”

To learn more about planned programming, and view participating local restaurants, please go to:

The city’s collective approach to meeting the needs of young children has been supported by the Somerville Children’s Cabinet led by Somerville Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Rubẻn Carmona. The cabinet is composed of representatives from the City of Somerville, the Somerville Public Schools, and community partners. The SomerPromise division of the Somerville Health and Human Services Department, provides backbone support.

“It is a privilege to be a part of the long history of early childhood work in Somerville,” said Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Rubén Carmona. “In Somerville Public Schools, we’re committed to making sure our youngest learners have access to high quality learning opportunities and to providing inclusive, multilingual programming and wrap-around services for families through strong partnerships between the Public Schools, the city, and multiple community partners.”

Since its inception in 2017, the Somerville Children’s Cabinet has focused on developing comprehensive child wellbeing and education systems that leverage the many resources and partners within the city and in the surrounding community to help eliminate the link between children’s socioeconomic status and achievement. The One Somerville, Every Child umbrella tagline reflects Somerville’s commitment to equity and its collective approach to supporting all children and youth in our city.”

Among the successes of the multilingual cross-sector work to support early childhood development from prenatal to school entry are: SomerBaby; Home Visiting; Playgroups; Developmental Screening; the Child Care Access and Affordability Program; Somerville Hub Connect; wraparound services; and the establishment of the Somerville Partnership for Young Children focused on expanding access to high-quality preschool in the city. Our newest addition to support this goal is the establishment of a multi-tiered system of supports to ensure all partners in our mixed delivery system have the supports needed to ensure all young learners can thrive. The First Five Steering Committee facilitates the alignment of all these services.
For more information regarding any of the above programs or initiatives listed please visit the Somerville Hub Connect.

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