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Letter From The Editor: Discussion With Somerville City Councilor Mark Niedergang Regarding My Recent Article on Bus/Bike Lane

This past Wednesday I received a text from Somerville City Councilor for Ward 5 Mark Niedergang regarding a recent article that I wrote for the front page of the Somerville News Weekly titled “BICYCLES AND BUSES IN SOMERVILLE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AN ALTERNATIVE, NOT A REPLACEMENT.”

The text thread feed reads as posted:

(Mark Niedergang wrote)
Billy, seriously (to quote you) yes, I know and see thousands of ‘Villens of all ages doing their everyday errands, doctor appointments, grocery shopping and business on bicycles here in Somerville. And thousands more would do it if they thought it was safe to bike on our streets. 😊😊

(William Tauro replied)
In the rain, heat, snow, ice, seniors, young people, old people, carrying groceries and doing there every day thing going to and from Somerville to earn a living that they have been doing their entire lives, please!
It’s not like the old days when we could walk to the corner on Sundays, go to church, frequent a little diner and then later on walk home for dinner, those days are gone for ever. Thanks to the invention of the automobile that gave people the freedom, the option and the right to go where they want, when they want and how they want! Welcome to the 21st century it’s called prosperity!

(Mark Niedergang replied)
Bill, you’re stuck in the 20th century! Billy. Welcome to the 21st century and climate change. If we want our children and grandchildren to have anything like the prosperity we have we have to stop destroying the planet. Young people want to
Live in dense cities and give up their cars. Old people empty nesters are selling their suburban homes to move into small condos in cities like ours so they can walk and bike around and not have to drive at night. This is why demand for housing in Somerville is insatiable and prices will continue to go up. Local stores are coming back or hanging in there. Check out Neighborhood Produce, Mckinnons, Dulocks, Lyndells, etc.

(William Tauro replied)
Well I’m off to start my day. I’m going to drive around in my 10 cylinder H2 Hummer and look for good photos to shoot while I’m wearing a snow-parka and turning on my electric heated seats because of this global warming is making me freeze my butt off! Thanks for saving the planet for both of us! Cheers!

(William Tauro wrote)
Mark, this would make an interesting piece can we use it? 😝 it will definitely break the Internet!

(Mark Niedergang replied)
Thanks for asking, Billy. Sure use it as you wish I am an elected official/politician. Anything I write to you is public

(William Tauro replied)
I also consider you as a friend, so anything you write to me is between us as well. That’s why I asked.)

(Mark Niedergang replied)
Billy, I am a politician and you are a newspaper publisher. That is what defines our relationship. I do like you and I value our relationship even tho we disagree on many things. Enjoy your day ruining our beloved planet!

(William Tauro replied)
Haha thanks!

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