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Somerville Bank Robbery Middlesex Federal Savings Shots Fired

By William Tauro

On the Wednesday morning of May 1st, dozens of Somerville, State Police officers and FBI agents were combing the streets of Somerville, s Davis Square, some seen carrying long-guns in search of a suspected bank robber.

According to sources at the scene a man was seen being pursued through Davis Square by a police officer with gun in hand.

The call came in as:”1 College Ave Somerville : Armed Robbery at Middlesex Federal Savings: Suspect was armed and fired one shot. Described as Hispanic male 5’5 wearing camouflage jacket. Multiple mutual en route.”

The call also reportedly came across as : “Bank Robbery Somerville Ma: Shots fired at an officer while fleeing – 421 Highland Ave – state has K-9 working. Requesting long guns and MSP Airwing.”

The suspect allegedly shot at Somerville Police. Authorities are asking residents in the are to use caution and stay indoors if possible.

As of 10:59 am police have a suspect in custody.

One suspect is still at large who is believed to be armed and dangerous.

This story is still developing…


Somerville Police Department Update: Armed Robbery Suspect Still Sought

SOMERVILLE – Somerville Police continue to seek an armed robbery suspect in the Davis Square area. The suspect is considered armed and dangerous. On Wednesday, May 1, at 9:57 a.m., multiple gunshots were fired during a bank robbery at the Middlesex Federal Savings Bank at 1 College Ave., in Davis Square. Police returned fire. A person of interest has been detained and is cooperating with Police. Local and State Police and FBI are still actively pursuing a suspect matching the following description.

The suspect is described as an approximately 5 ft 9 in., 175-pound, 20-35-year-old Hispanic male. The suspect was last seen wearing a black stocking hat, camouflage jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers. (see attached photos)

Anyone with relevant information is encouraged to contact the Somerville Police Department at 617-625-1600 ext. 7220 (during business hours) or ext. 7254 (24/7). Tips may be left anonymously through text. Begin your text message with 617spd and send it to TIP411 (847411).

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STEALING SOMERVILLE Death of an Urban City by William Tauro

An excellent read! Makes for a perfect gift! An absolute collectors item!

The book Stealing Somerville has been released and in bookstores shelves worldwide and next the movie! 566 pages of telling the Curtatone‘s life story of corruption!

Stealing Somerville: Death of an Urban City is an expose of abuses, a compilation of articles from Somerville News Weekly, a local newspaper. William Tauro is investigative journalist and publisher of newspaper. Tauro shows pervasive effects of Joseph Curtatone’s six terms in office. Sources claim exit ramps leading to small businesses were closed to drive them out, as well as houses and properties being taken by eminent domain. The mayor and development partners do not give market value for properties. Land is appropriated by city and housing is built under the aegis of local government. People who want to build use companies approved by the mayor. Bids of contractors and vendors are tampered with so negotiations favor municipal administrators. The mayor charges firefighter candidates $10,000 to secure employment. One case resulted in death. The candidate, a navy SEAL, and scoring high on the entrance exam, was turned down. His father refused to pay the fee. The candidate took his life. Cover-ups are made by the police for the mayor. A policeman, the mayor’s cousin, attempted to rob a deceased victim’s valuables. A gay policeman was denied rights to address negative treatment. His pension is questioned. The mayor’s drug usage fuels problems. No rebuttals or charges have been filed against Tauro. An investigation by the federal government is under consideration. The mayor was reelected for a seventh two-year term. The Board of Aldermen wasa replaced by new blood due to Tauro’s publications during election. Hopefully, this change will reach the mayor’s office.

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