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Real Life Somerville Police Stories:Ryan DOWNS, Jerry GARCIA & Steven PICKREN (Malicious Destruction)

On September 9, 2017, I, Officer Bork, was patrolling area East 1 for the Somerville Police Department. At approximately 2:58 AM, East 2, Officer Ubeda, and East 3, Officer Prophete, were dispatched to the area of Assembly Row for a group of males tagging property. Due to being on another call at the time, I responded shortly after.


Upon arrival, I saw Officer Ubeda speaking to two males in front of Earls Kitchen.


Officer Ubeda informed me that two males involved in the tagging had taken off down the path by the river. I then saw two males fleeing down the path. Officer Prophete and I pursued the individuals and located them down on an embankment hiding under a tree on the edge of the water. We instructed the two individuals, later identified as Jerry Garcia and Ryan Downs, to walk up from the water. Located right where they were hiding were paints cans, and there was fresh graffiti discovered in the surrounding area where they were hiding. Officer Prophete and I could both smell fresh paint. Garcia had paint matching the paint colors of the graffiti on his legs, hands, and t-shirt. Downs had paint on him matching the graffiti on his pants, shirt, right elbow, and hands.


The following is what was discovered on their hands:

Downs-white, green, and yellow paint

Garcia-yellow and white paint

Pickren-yellow and white paint

Additionally Downs had yellow paint on his right elbow and Garcia had white and orange paint on his legs. All were photographed and attached to this report.


A bag was located directly behind where Garcia and Downs were hiding, and contained spray paint matching the graffiti. Both Garcia and Downs denied ownership of the bag. Additionally, a can of spray paint was discovered on the path where numerous graffiti was located, and where the two individuals ran from. One can was Quick Color white, and the other was Rust-Oleum in green.


The following is a list of graffiti that was found and photographed:


-The stairway leading to Avalon garage next to Outback- white spray paint with bubble letters the writing “Free World” in yellow, and yellow triangles with XXs. The security camera was also spray painted over in yellow paint.

-Sidewalk outside of Legoland-yellow spray painted triangles with XXs

-Loading dock walls next to Nike- yellow spray painted triangles with XXs and yellow spray painted smiley face

-Electrical boxes in loading area-spray painted yellow

-Wooden wall next to Earls- yellow spray painted triangles with XXs

-Mural outside of Legal Sea Foods-while spray painted triangle with XXs

-Wall outside of SAKS- yellow spray painted triangles with XXs

-Dock-black dinosaur, green spray painted bubble letters, white and orange spray painted triangles with XXs, white spray painted “I have been dead”.

-Sidewalk around dock-black spray paint “Free World Fuck Babylon”, “Peace”, “Fuck 12”, “One Time”. In orange paint was unidentifiable figure and block lettering.

-Stones where Downs and Garcia were located-Freshly spray painted lettering in green, orange, and white.

-Path by the river leading to the dock and where Downs and Garcia were located-numerous white spray painted block letters the words “I love you Kristina” with a heart, “Dead Lives”, large skull, larges Xs. In yellow was unidentifiable writing, and green and black bubble letters.


Garcia, Downs, and the third party identified by Officer Ubeda, Pickren, were placed under arrest for C266 S126A Defacement Malicious Wanton Property, and were transported by Unit #200, Officer Desrochers, and booked in the usual manner by Lt. Lavey. During the booking process, Pickren made unsolicited admissions and apologized for his behavior.  


The following clothes were confiscated and submitted for evidence:

-Garcia’s t-shirt with white paint on it

-Pickren’s sweatshirt with yellow paint on it

-Pickren’s black jeans with yellow and white paint on it

-Downs’ t-shirt with white and green paint on it

-Downs’ jeans with green and yellow paint on the front and back


Also submitted into evidence was a green backpack and spray paint cans discovered on scene.


Assembly Security stated that they had the individuals on camera tagging numerous properties around Assembly.


Respectfully submitted,


Officer Christine Bork #327


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