Will Mbah Announces Alderman-at-Large Candidacy

Originally from a small west African city in Cameroon, Will received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Buea and advocated for student rights during frequent periods of campus unrest. Will moved to Sweden to attend a master’s program in environmental science. As a scholarship student, Will worked odd jobs. At one, he was paid per seedling to plant trees. Seeking greater economic opportunity, Will immigrated to the U.S. through the green card lottery in 2010.


After working another string of jobs, Will obtained an internship with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. He did the internship during the day and worked as a custodian at MIT at night.  


Late one evening while Will was waiting for his shift to begin, he was reading on his computer when an administrator asked if he was “the I.T. guy.” The executive helped Will find an administrative job at MIT that led to his current position as a technologist and safety coordinator. Will’s daily work is checking laboratories for worker hazards, inspecting equipment, and training personnel.


In November 2015 Will earned his U.S. citizenship. He and his wife Christelle, an asset manager for the state housing finance authority, welcomed their first child Joel in 2016. They live on Woods Avenue in west Somerville.


Will knows that Somerville is a community filled with stories like his. Like you, he fell in love with a community that welcomed his passion and investment. Like you, he knows what it is like to live on only several hundred dollars a month. His constant search for an apartment with reasonable rent is what initially motivated him to run for alderman-at-large.


Will strongly believes in preserving affordable housing, promoting smart economic development, and protecting the rights of immigrants and people of color.  


Will is a board member of East Somerville Main Streets. Will helped successfully advocate for the new city ordinance that increases the number of affordable housing units developers are required to build.  


Will greatly appreciates Somerville’s diversity and would like to see city government better represent that diversity.


“I ask for one of your four votes. Families like yours and mine shouldn’t have to struggle so hard to rent or buy a place to live in Somerville. As Alderman, I will work hard to promote affordable housing, smart economic growth, and making sure Somerville stays open to future immigrants so they can feel as welcome as I have.”


I hope you can join me on March 16 as we kick off my campaign at Aeronaut Brewing Company (14 Tyler St) at 6pm.

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